Takanobu Sawagaki沢柿教伸

Takanobu Sawagaki

トップ  >  学位論文内容の要旨

学 位 論 文 内 容 の 要 旨

学 位 論 文 題 名
Subglacial hydraulic interpretation of streamlined
glacial erosional bedforms along the Soya Coast, East Antarctica.






 第3章では,現地調査および空中写真判読によって,宗谷海岸露岩域に分布する流線型基盤岩侵食地形とそれに付随するs-formを記載し,南極氷床底の侵食作用に氷底水流が関与したこと示す地形的証拠として初めての解釈を行った.宗谷海岸の露岩域では表面が磨かれた氷食岩盤が露出しており,数百メートル~数キロメートルオーダーの流線型の基盤岩侵食地形がみられる.特に,tadpole rockやtransverse ridgeなどの形態として分類できる地形は,s-formなどの小規模な侵食痕を伴っており,宗谷海岸の基盤岩の侵食に氷底水流が関与した可能性を示唆する。また,流線型基盤岩地形は面的に分布すること,それらの伸長方向は地質構造に起因する基盤岩の抵抗性を反映しており,最終的に氷床の侵食作用によって修飾された形態であることが明らかとなった.さらに,アブレージョンやプラッキングによると考えられる地形に流線型地形がスーパーインポーズしていることや,伸長方向や規模の異なる流線型地形が見られることから,これらの地形は氷床の流動方向およびその侵食力・侵食形態の変化も反映していると考えられる.





  1. 宗谷海岸露岩域の流線型基盤岩地形は,地質構造に起因した伸長方向を持ち,被圧水流を伴う氷床底の侵食作用によって修飾された形態である.
  2. 氷底水流は,みずほ高原氷床下の融解水が氷底湖を形成し,底面融解ゾーンにそって氷床縁辺部へ急激に排出されたものと考えられる.
  3. ある特定の条件の氷床表面傾斜モデルを適用することにより,流線型基盤岩地形の面的配列と整合的な被圧氷底水流を再現できると同時に,地形形成期の氷床を復元することができる.
  4. 氷底水流地形を考慮することにより地形の発達過程をより詳細に復元できる.すなわち,宗谷海岸露岩域の侵食地形は,氷床末端付近の400m内外の氷床下で,アブレージョンとプラッキングおよび氷底水流の侵食作用による一連の過程で形成されたと考えられる.

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Abstract of the Doctoral Dissertation
Ph.D, Hokkaido University, 1997

Subglacial Hydraulic Interpretation of
Streamlined Glacial Erosional Bedforms
along the Soya Coast, East Antarctica.


Aims and Structure of This Thesis

I pay a particular attention to the question of whether erosion was mainly by glacier ice or melt water. The purpose of this study is thus to draw an attention to the significance and implications of subglacial melt water erosion on the marginal area of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the past. This is the first attempt to consider the glacial erosional bedforms as water products in the Antarctica.

After an introduction (Chapter 1), the physical setting of the Antarctica and the present interest area of the Queen Moud Land, East Antarctica are briefly described (Chapter 2).

Chapter 3 is devoted to describe the classification and distribution of glacial landforms along the Soya Coast. Results of the geomorphological field surveys on the ice-free areas in JARE-34th and 35th are described, and the distribution and alignment of large-scale forms are mapped from aerial photographs. According to these investigations, the genesis of the erosional bedforms is discussed.

In Chapter 4, an examination will be performed to clarify the possibility of the formation of subglacial lakes and subglacial water transfer from the inner ice sheet to the terminus, which support the subglacial melt water interpretation of the bedforms.

In Chapter 5, the attention will be concentrated in a regional scale. Concerning the formation of streamlined bedforms, I examine a theoretical calculation to estimate the conformity of water flow beneath the ice sheet to the underlying bed topography.

On the basis of the results of Chapters 3, 4 and 5, the historical development of the landforms associated with deglaciation, and physical conditions affecting subglacial melt water produce are discussed in Chapter 6.

The interpretation of the sculptured bedforms and theoretical calculations of water flow beneath an ice sheet indicate that the subglacial water flow beneath the marginal ice sheet took part in the development of the bedforms, and the subglacial water flow could be controlled by a single ice mass in short period without significant change of the ice surface. This is the main conclusion of this study and is summarized in Chapter 7.


This study aims at reconstructing the historical development of the glacial erosional bedforms in the Soya Coast of Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, and at drawing attention to the significance and implications of subglacial melt water erosion on the marginal area of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the past. For these purposes, descriptions of sculptured and streamlined bedforms in the present ice-free areas, hydrostatic investigations on the subglacial ponding along the Shirase drainage basin, and a theoretical calculation to estimate the conformity of water flow beneath ice sheet to underlying topography were carried out. Streamlined bedforms in the studied area are classified into crescentic transverse ridges and tadpole rocks, and these bedforms are accompanied by small erosional marks which support the interpretation of subglacial melt water erosion. Some tadpole rocks are superimposed on large roches moutonnees, and these two kinds of landforms were interpreted to have different modes of formation.

The source of the subglacial melt water was attributed to the subglacial lakes formerly existed beneath the upper reaches of the Mizuho Plateau. Hydrostatic investigation along the Shirase drainage basin revealed that several subglacial lakes are expected to have been formed on the bed depressions with the water surfaces determined by englacial equipotential surfaces.

For the theoretical calculation of water flow beneath an ice sheet, it was assumed that water flow at a glacier bed was controlled by ambient pressure gradients beneath the ice mass, and that the former ice sheet responsible for the sculptured bedforms extended to the western edge of the presently ice-free areas along the Soya Coast. Once a suitable ice surface model is determined by trial-and-error, good conformity of hydraulic gradients to the bedform distribution is recognized. A strong control of the gneissic structure on erosion is revealed by the regional change of the long axis' trend of streamlined bedforms. However, it is emphasized that the conformable ice surface represents the former ice sheet that took part in the development of the hills, and the subglacial water flow could be controlled by a single ice mass in short period without significant change of the ice surface profile.

These results finally lead to the following reconstruction of the bedform evolution along the Soya Coast: An initial episode of glacial plucking and abrasion produced roches moutonnees and basic large-scale landforms. Melt water flowing periodically into the Lutzow-Holm Bay sculptured s-forms and streamlined bedforms in bedrock much of the areas. During this period, except for water flowing phases, ice again come contact with the bedrock to form striations superimposed on the s-forms and the hillocks.

